Loisse Ledres
At what moment did you realize that art and acting was something you wanted to do for the rest of your life?
I think since I was in third grade, my parents sent me to China and I had a hard time making friends because of the language barrier so all I did was just paint and watch Barbie movies. So I started making my own little plays, and I would dress up my Barbies with toilet paper and I would color them with markers and stuff. Then when I was in middle school I started putting on plays at school at lunch tables during recess and I just kept doing it since. I kept doing art and acting ever since.
What’s great about ArtCee is we’re creating dream projects for all of our artists and producers. As an adult now that you’re out in the world working, what is one of your dream projects that you would like to create?
One of my biggest inspirations is Wes Anderson, I love how he incorporates arts with movies. I would like to do something like that. I would love to do something like “Fantastic Mr. Fox.” He makes these little foxes out of clay, and I would love to do something like that. I like to do voice acting and incorporate art with it, and incorporate everything all together, that’s one of the things I really want to do.
What style is it that Wes Anderson does that you are attracted to?
It’s funny, he adds little jokes in there, but they're not necessarily funny. It’s kinda quirky-ish. You’re just giggling the whole time, there’s no actual jokes in there. That’s what I love about his movies. You’re having a good time, but it’s not forced.
As an emerging artist, what does the term “emerging” mean to you? Like what defines an emerging artist? What does it feels like doing this art at this point in your life? Just getting out of school?
It’s an awkward stage because I’ve been taking acting classes all my life, but I’ve never had an agent. Since I’ve just graduated, having all these experiences already at school, I took all these classes. Still, it doesn’t matter because you didn’t actually have a big speaking role in a big movie. As an emerging artist, I’m just really eager to just get out there and just act. I’m just really eager to go out there! It’s been two months since I’ve graduated from school, there’s just so much going on, so much to do, it’s just really exciting for me.
Other artists that will look at your work on this platform, they will find you and will want to help you find work and we can all help each other find work…
Like on Obi Wan and Star Wars, I didn’t have lines, I was just an extra, but it’s something, you get to see everybody act, you get to see Ewan McGregor… you get to see these people work and it’s so inspiring, and it adds on to my eagerness.
Interviewed by: Christopher Aguilar, chris@artcee.co